Ergonomics in Laparoscopy


Ergonomics is the science of best suiting the worker to his job, or to make the setting and surroundings favorable for the laparoscopic surgeon. The term was formally defi ned in 1949 and has brought benefi t and safety to many areas of human endeavor.

The importance of ergonomics in the setting of laparoscopy cannot be overemphasized. Studies have shown that correct ergonomics can reduce suturing time. 2

Pressure-related chronic pain has been shown to be relieved by the use of ergonomically designed products. 3

This article on ergonomics reviews the basic concepts and techniques, for example, triangulation, optimal coaxial alignment, drawbacks for the surgeon and the patient, and how to overcome these difficulties by recent advances in technology.

Keywords: Ergonomics, Hawthorne effect, Ideal position, Posture, Sectorization, Table height, Tactile sensation, Triangulation.

How to cite this article: Yeola (Pate) ME , Gode D, Bora AK. Ergonomics in Laparoscopy. Int J Recent Surg Med Sci 2017;3(2):102-108.

Source of support: Nil

Conflict of interest: None


The use of minimal invasive procedures has increased tremendously over the last two decades. Compared with open surgery, the benefi ts of laparoscopic surgery include smaller incision, reduced postoperative morbid-ity and pain, shorter hospitalization, more rapid return to normal activities, and, in some instances, superior access. Laparoscopic surgery is different from open surgery in equipment, instrumentation, and psycho-motor skills.

This article on ergonomics reviews the basic concepts and techniques, e.g., triangulation, optimal coaxial alignment, drawbacks for the surgeon and the patient, and how to overcome these diffi culties by recent advances in technology.

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