
This is a one-day course focusing on the core laparoscopic surgery skills and theoretical knowledge essential for many surgical disciplines. The course has been carefully designed to maximize hands-on experience and practice. In a safe, simulated environment, you will use a range of high-quality laparoscopic equipment, working with specifically designed benchtop models.
This is a one-day course focusing on the core laparoscopic surgery skills and theoretical knowledge essential for many surgical disciplines. The course has been carefully designed to maximize hands-on experience and practice. In a safe, simulated environment, you will use a range of high-quality laparoscopic equipment, working with specifically designed benchtop models.
El Greco Medical Centre
The El Greco Medical Centre spans three-floors and a total area of 3000 sqm. Boasting state-of-the-art facilities and the latest technology, the building has been designed with a patient-centric approach that prioritizes the safety and comfort of patients and their families.
This is a one-day course focusing on the core laparoscopic surgery skills and theoretical knowledge essential for many surgical disciplines. The course has been carefully designed to maximize hands-on experience and practice. In a safe, simulated environment, you will use a range of high-quality laparoscopic equipment, working with specifically designed benchtop models.